Our Pastor

LOVING FAMILY!        If asked to describe our Grace Baptist Church Family in only two words, those would undoubtedly be the words I would use.

"FAMILY" speaks of what we are.  We are a community of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.  We believe that He has led us to be a part of this particular fellowship to serve and worship Him together as a family.

"LOVING" speaks of what we are like.  Never have I personally experienced a more loving church family.  Week by week, this genuine love can be seen by its fruit as our Grace family members fellowship together, pray for each other, and lovingly care for each other when needs arise.  Additionally, our weekly gatherings for Bible study and worship become joyful occasions as we join in worship, praise, and in the study of the Lord's infallible Word.

We extend a heart-felt welcome to all to come experience the joy, support, and connection that being a part of a church family like ours can contribute to your life.

Pastor M. Ray Bratcher



Brother Dan Cozart was the founding pastor of Grace Baptist Church in October of 1980.  Since then, Brother Dan, along with Nora by his side, poured their lives into the ministry of the church for forty-three plus years until his retirement in 2023.  Without question, they faithfully serve the Lord by faithfully caring for this particular portion of his floc here in Tyler.  To use words that the Lord Jesus used in Luke 9:62, they together, "Put their hands to the plough" of Gospel ministry and the spiritual care and nurture of this church family, and "never looked back."



In honor and deep appreciation of Brother Dan's contribution to the spiritual nurture of our church family through these many years by his faithful preaching of God's Word and his pastoral care of our church family, it is our joy and privilege to confer on him the title of Pastor Emeritus.