It is the desire of the Grace Baptist Church to be obedient to the command of our Lord Jesus who said, “go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature”......Mark 16:15. We understand that to mean in our community, in our nation, and in the world. In order to reach the lost in our nation and in our world, we send missionaries who have been called to a specific area and to a specific people to preach the Gospel. We do this through Faith Promise Giving, which means that what God gives to us, we give back to Him. The missionaries that we support are committed to establishing autonomous Baptist Churches throughout the world. Our church gives thousands of dollars each year to accomplish this endeavor.
The Missionaries Supported by Grace Baptist Church are:
Piddig Baptist Mission
My wife Sis. April and I have come to know the Lord through the ministry of our beloved Pastor Terry and his wife Sis. Cynthia who faithfully shared the Gospel in the ministry in Imus, Cavite Philippines. The Lord used them tremendously in our lives in teaching and molding us spiritually. Through Mission Conferences conducted yearly, the Lord put a burden and desire in my heart to be used by God in fulfilling His command to tell the Good News to all people. Few years after our Pastor went home to be with the Lord that He called us into the ministry. He opened a door of utterance here in Piddig, Ilocos Norte, and we were sent out. We started in the ministry back in May 2014, it has been 5 years now and God has been graciously blessing the work and His people. The mission is located in Brgy 17, Sitio Balbalay Dupitac, Piddig, Ilocos Norte. Amazingly, many souls have come to know the Lord and were changed by the Gospel. We are now faithfully teaching them the Bible for their spiritual growth and strength and urging them to continue in the faith in their daily lives. We aim to spread His word in other places as well, so that people would come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. This year we started our afternoon worship service in Brgy. 16 Gayamat. This was the fruit of our month- ly evangelism ministry. We had Bible study series there and after we finished it they wanted to learn more that is why we made it as our afternoon extention work. There are few adults attending and at the same time Sunday School class with the kids. We are praying and waiting for the fruits in all of our endeavor.
Seeking for your prayers, Bro Rodel and Sis April
Tom Mongomery - Ministering in Mexico
Lissa and I have been missionaries in Mexico City since 1983. We have three children: Mark, Luke and Carolyn. We are presently involved in the following ministries:
- Church planting: We presently have 4 missions and churches in the metro area. The newest mission has a strong group of upper income folks as well as professionals. The attendance averages 100 adults each week and this mission is presently considering purchasing a permanent meeting place.
- Training national pastors and workers: We hold a monthly pastor’s Institute in the countries of Guatemala and Nicaragua. The Guatemalan Institute has an average of 30 men who attend each session and the Nicaraguan Institute has an attendance of between 70-90.
- Translation, publishing, radio and Internet: We continue a translation and publishing ministry that includes printing and sending books throughout Latin America. Our Spurgeon translation project is the largest source of sound sermons in Spanish on the Internet. Our audio sites enjoy over 15,000 mp3 downloads per month. We have a Sunday evangelistic radio program in Mexico City.
Our desire is to see biblical awakening and revival come to Latin America and a great harvest of souls. Brother Montgomery's sending church is the Covenant Baptist Church of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. His pastor is Daniel Chamberlin.
Glen South - Ministering in Cambodia
Glen and Sonya have served as missionaries since 2018. They have two children - Theo and Eliza. They are covenant members and appointed to missions by Piqua Baptist Church. The South family met during their preparations for evangelism and church planting in Majority-Muslim contexts. The Lord used internships in North Africa and Sonya's Iranian father and ethnic heritage to give both of them a desire and call to Muslim people. Their ministry focus is evangelism, church planting, and pastoral and theological training. They have served in Southeast Asia and the Middle East. They are presently Stateside and exploring a field change with their sending church in the hopes of returning overseas in 2025.
Matthew Villandry - Ministering in Thailand
Matthew and Brittany are missionaries to Northern Thailand. They have four children: Cohen, Lyla, Caleb and Benjamin. Brother Villandry's sending church is Central Baptist Church of Grenada, MS.